Thursday, October 9, 2008

Simply Amazing!

My entire life isn't a bible verse but thankfully lately I have truly been striving to seek God and his will for my life. Therefore more and more of my thoughts and actions are based on God and his Word. So I just got done with a little personal devotional time, just reading and studying God's Word. The way I do it is just pick out a book in the Bible and exhaust it chapter and verse. So tonight I continued in my study of Matthew. Matthew chapter 7 to be exact, so I opened up my Bible and started reading. It started off with the parable of judging others. Around verse 5 I realized that I hadn't yet prayed over the scriptures so I stopped to pray and I asked God to bless this time with Him reading His Word and to open up His scriptures to me and use them to guide my life toward His will, when I began reading again it was verse 7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." I don't care what you say that is awesome, I asked God to show me his will and it's as if he said "O.K." :) I truly serve an awesome GOD! Anyway the point is, I asked Christ to save my soul from the punishment of my sins, and He absolutely did. I've asked God to help me through college, the first day on the job, the loss of my Grandmother and He absolutely has. I am now at the crossroad of really wanting to live my life as God want's me to live it. I want to make an impact on this world for the cause of Christ, not sure how but God does. So I've began seeking God for the everystep of my life. God didn't show me tonight what I am going to spend the rest of my life doing, there's so much going on right now, I'm just following the glimmer of light right in front of my feet, but He's gonnna lead me, and I'm bound and determined to follow Him all the way. At the end of chapter 7 the scripture says that when Christ finished speaking the crowds were amazed because "he taught as one who had authority" Christ is the authority of my life and ALL LIFE, do I treat him as you?

God Bless and God Speed!

'Ol Red V

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